Intelligence Roleplay Guidelines

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Intelligence RP mostly based out of the NSB or the Militarische Geheimdienst is some of the most intricate and complicated roleplay that can be found on the ImperialRP game mode. With its importance and long record of issues in regard to abuse of OOC information being used as IC information it was deemed proper to format an OOC list of guidelines around the roleplay to ensure a line of respected fair play for all involved on both sides. The following guidelines will be vice versa for any intelligence agency, and will be categorized separately if necessary for specific factions.

Powergaming and NLR

  1. The use of FearRP to force a player into giving forward information, or signing off on IC documents is defined as powergaming, any documentation that is being put forward for signing off on must be presented physically in /looc and roleplayed out properly (/me's must be performed for the handing over of documents, signing of documents, and displaying of documents).
  2. You may use elements of roleplay to threaten or intimidate a certain individual but the direct use of FearRP or improper signing off on documents will be seen as FailRP.
  3. If a player has died during a situation you may not attempt to seek the information that they hold from said situation, any information used from a player who fell under NLR to said information will see the immediate voiding of any roleplay based off of the information in use.

Audio Recordings

  1. Audio Recording of an individual during interrogation, meetings, or other situations must have approval from a Supervisor Administrator with the RP being actively overviewed by a member of Upper Administration.
  2. Microphone devices may not be concealed into clothing. Recording devices are limited to five minutes maximum of use, and must not contain any cuts throughout the consecutive five minutes, Upper Administration holds the ability to void and nullify any recorded evidence at any point in time.
  3. Recorded evidence of any kind must be accessible through a link, any specific website is not necessary but more trusted websites are preferred.
  4. Clips of text chat may be used to record text chat conversations and the same for voice chat conversations, but the use of audio recordings to capture physical video evidence of the appearance or other characteristics of individuals or situations is to remain out of use, with audio recordings simply to record a conversation between two or more players.
  5. Audio recordings in roleplay should hardly be used seeing as the documentation of conversations is more important and easier to use in roleplay. If at any point specific points of conversations are used to take a player's word in roleplay that would put them at a disadvantage without proper context the evidence will be seen as null or voided.

Conflicts of Interest

The Following is NOT permitted:

  1. Having more than one character within the same or opposing intelligence departments, factions, or agencies.
  2. Having more than one character within an intelligence agency or criminal organization.
  3. Having a character apart of an intelligence agency whilst also having a character that is an important member of any opposing faction, this is subject to the discretion of Upper Administration.
  4. Acting within roleplay on an alternate character you are actively involved with on another character to influence the outcome or performance of a certain situation.

The Following is permitted:

  1. Making use of a character within an intelligence agency to act as a double agent.

Stealing Uniforms

  1. When stealing the uniform of another player, you may only steal enlisted, non-commissioned officer, and commissioned officer uniforms.
  2. Only members of intelligence agencies such as MGD, NSB, etc. may steal a player's uniform.
  3. Stealing uniforms may only be approved by a member of Upper Administration and will be logged accordingly.
  4. The only time a uniform can be taken out of "storage" or made us of is either during an RP situation where it is directly given to another player while the RP of stealing the uniform is being overwatched, or by the player who had stolen the uniform.
  5. These guidelines are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Upper Administration. These will be used to set precedent, and to maintain consistency.