National Sicherheitsburo

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The Nationales Sicherheitsbüro (National Security Office) is a Intelligence Agency of the Interior Ministry.

Geheime Schutzdienst Nachrichtendienst

Role in Imperial Germany

Their mandate is to oversee Intelligence and Security affairs within the German Empire. They are the main intelligence body of the Empire, and ensure stability in the state and across the nation as a whole. This includes protection from political opponents to terrorists.

Composition and Organization

AMT I  : Administration / Verwaltung

Brief explanation

AMT II  : (Department Name)

Brief explanation

AMT III : (Department Name)

Brief explanation

AMT IV  : (Department Name)

Brief explanation

AMT V  : (Department Name)

Brief explanation

AMT VI  : (Department Name)

Brief explanation

Faction Allegiance

Type of Roleplay

Faction specific Medals


Additional information & Images