Das Souveränes Büro

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Das Souveränes Büro The Executive office the Kaiser


Kaiser Hendrik Baumer 1921-

On January 22nd, 1921, Kaiser Hendrik Baumer officially began his reign, ushering in a new era for Imperial Germany. Prior to his ascension he was a Generalleutnant Hendrik Baumer And the Duke of Brandenburg.

Notable moments

- The Liberation of Leipzig (February 24th, 1920)

- The Battle of Essen (April 21st, 1920)

- The Battle of Stettin (June 3rd, 1920)

- The Siege of Munich (October 14th, 1920)


Prinzregent Landa Vought 1921-

In 1921, Prince Landa Vought, who was appointed to be Prinzregent of Germany to oversee the country's affairs in his absence. His heroic deeds during the “Red Terror”, his skills shown throughout his adventures with Kaiser Baumer as his personal confidant and his loyalty to the Nation made him the perfect candidate for this position.

Notable moments

- The Siege of Munich (October 14th, 1920)


Prätor Luka Sommer 1921-

In 1921, Given Archbishop Sommer's commitment to purging the nation of heresy and reunifying it under the church and Empire, Kaiser Baumer appointed Luka Sommer as the Prätor of Germany. He still serves as the archbishop of Germany as well.

With the title of Archbishop of Germany Luka Sommer oversees all religious properties and practices within the empire of Berlin.

Notable moments

- The Hallowed Offensive of Cologne (December 22nd, 1920)


Großarchitekt Joseph Stückart 1921 -

In 1921, Joseph Stückart stood by Hendrik Baumer’s side during his ascension to Kaiser. As a long and storied friend of Baumer, he was asked to recreate the grand vision of the Holy Roman Empire within Berlin. Stückart began the reconstruction in May of 1921, with completion in late December of 1921.

He was granted the title of Grand Architect by the Kaiser, Hendrik Baumer, and established in the White Rose Party with an Identification Number of 21.

  Notable moments
- Redesign of Berlin, Military success in Austrian Capitulation as Plenipotentiary of War.